Author name: Heather

Art Movement, Artist, Italian, Italian Renaissance, Michelangelo

“Pietà” by Michelangelo

Art Movement, Artist, Edward Burne-Jones, English, Pre-Raphaelite, Symbolism

“King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid” by Edward Burne-Jones

Anonymous, Art Movement, Artist, Insular Art, Irish

Saint John the Evangelist, from the ‘Book of Kells’

Art Movement, Artist, French, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Post-Impressionism

“Reine de Joie” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

American, Art Movement, Artist, John Singer Sargent, Portraiture, Realism

“Portrait of Madame X” by John Singer Sargent

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