“The Enchanted Castle” by Claude Lorrain
“Landscape with Psyche outside the Palace of Cupid” or “The Enchanted Castle” This grand oil on canvas landscape is by […]
Tag page for French artists, on Daily Dose of Art.
“Landscape with Psyche outside the Palace of Cupid” or “The Enchanted Castle” This grand oil on canvas landscape is by […]
“Madame de Pompadour” This lovely oil on canvas portrait, titled “Madame de Pompadour”, was created by the French Rococo artist,
“Tulips in a Vase” This beautiful oil on paper piece, mounted on board, between 1888-1890, is by the French Post-Impressionist
“Blue Roofs (Rouen)” This oil on canvas painting, titled “Blue Roofs (Rouen)”, is by the French Post-Impressionist and symbolist artist,
“The Sheepfold, Moonlight” Please enjoy this nightscape from Millet. This oil on panel piece is by the French Realism and Barbizon