“Fishermen at Sea” by J. M. W. Turner

"Fishermen at Sea", J. M. W. Turner, 1796, oil on canvas
“Fishermen at Sea”, J. M. W. Turner, 1796, oil on canvas. Image Source

“Fishermen at Sea”

This dark and wonderful moonlight painting is an oil on canvas from 1796 by the English Romantic artist, J. M. W. Turner. It is titled “Fishermen at Sea”.

This moonlit scene is a perfect example of the sublime, in which the power of nature and the vulnerability of humanity is highlighted through the fishermen and their journey. During this period, moonlight paintings were fashionable, and Turner became known for his mastery of the night scene.

In this piece, Turner is depicting ‘The Needles’, the jagged chalk rock formations off the western tip of the Isle of Wight, which are still a tourist draw today. This is the first of many ship scenes that Turner would paint in his lifetime, as marine themes with rough seas became a specialty of his. This is the first painting that Turner exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art and itt earned him critical praise and esteem.

Fishermen at Sea” is currently on display at the Tate Gallery in London, England.

For more on J. M. W. Turner, please visit his short biography here.


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