“Living Room with the Artist’s Sister, Emilie”
“Living Room with the Artist’s Sister, Emilie” is a lovely oil on paper painting mounted on millboard by the German realism artist, Adolph Menzel, from 1847. This is one of several domestic scenes that Menzel painted of his sister (see “Emilie Menzel Asleep“).
At this time in his life, Menzel was straying away from illustrations, the medium that made him successful, and started doing more standalone pieces of art. Besides large-scale history paintings, during this period, Menzel also painted domestic scenes of daily life, such as this painting here.
As Menzel had no formal training, he created works without regard to art rules of the day, helping fuel the German realism art movement. Some art critics see the very earliest beginnings of what would become both the Impressionism and Expressionism art movements in his work.
“Living Room with the Artist’s Sister, Emilie” is currently in the collections of the Neue Pinakothek art museum in Munich, Germany.
For more on Adolph Menzel, please visit his short biography here.

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