“Marie in the Garden”
Springtime thoughts.
“Marie in the Garden” is an oil on panel painting by the Norwegian-born Danish artist, P. S. Krøyer, from 1895. Krøyer is most known for his association with the Skagen Painters. These artists formed a colony in Skagen, in the northernmost part of Denmark, to practice their own art styles and break away from the Academic and Golden Age of Art principles still heavily practiced in Copenhagen, Denmark. Krøyer acted as their unofficial leader and is one of the most well-known artists from that group.
In this painting, Krøyer lovingly depicts his wife walking on a path in their garden at their home in Skagen. The sun is bright, dappling through the trees creating contrasting patches of sunshine and shadow. Everything is fresh and verdant with saturated yellows and greens. Marie’s dress is outlined in yellow from the bright sun. Tall trees and grasses flank the walkway. The half-timbered house has its doors wide open, welcoming all. Flowers decorate the entranceway. It is an idyllic scene.
By 1882, Krøyer was spending his summers in Skagen, immersing himself in the art scene there. By this time, he was already well-known for his work. In 1888, he married Marie Triepcke, a fellow artist. His wife was also heavily involved in the Skagen art scene and is depicted in many of Krøyer’s most well-known pieces, including this one here.
In January 1895, the couple had a daughter and moved year-round to Skagen to escape the city and raise her in peace and quiet. They rented an apartment in the wing of the District Attorney’s Office, today known as the Krøyer’s House. The half-timbered house depicted in the painting is extant today and looks very much the same. It currently serves as part of the offices for the Forest and Nature Agency of Vendsyssel.
“Marie in the Garden” is currently in a private collection, having sold for GBP $729,750 at Christie’s in June 2000.
For more on P. S. Krøyer, please visit his short biography here.

You can find more artists to learn about here.