“Summer Evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach”
For today, a painting from one of the Skagen painters of Denmark.
“Summer Evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach” is a gorgeous oil on canvas painting from 1893 by the Norwegian-born Danish artist, P. S. Krøyer. Krøyer is most known for his association with the Skagen Painters. Krøyer acted as their unofficial leader and is one of the most well-known artists from that group. This painting here is considered one of Krøyer’s masterpieces.
Krøyer came up with the idea for this painting the year prior after a dinner party when Anna Ancher and Marie Krøyer, the wives of two Skagen artists, took a walk along the shoreline. Krøyer, who was also interested in photography, took a series of photos from this night from which he based his painting.
The setting is during the ‘blue hour’, or twilight, when the blue from the sky and the blue from the water are so similar in color that they visually meld together. The blue hour was a favorite setting for many of the Skagen Painters, including Krøyer, as seen by its presence in many of his works.
“Summer Evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach” is currently on display at the Skagens Kunstmuseer in Skagen, Denmark.
For more on P. S. Krøyer, please visit his short biography here.

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