“Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)” by Félix Bracquemond

“Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)” by Félix Bracquemond
“Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)”, Félix Bracquemond, 1864, black ink and copper plate print etching. Image Source.

“Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)”

“Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)” is a gorgeous and moody black ink and copper plate print etching. It was made in 1864 by the French artist, Félix Bracquemond. Bracquemond is remembered mostly for his etchings. A self-taught etcher, his work helped inspire a revival in printmaking as a modern art form.

In this piece, Bracquemond depicts a night scene in winter. Snow blankets the ground and the trees, devoid of their leaves, stand stark against the sky. A wolf quietly walks towards the right, leaving a line of footprints behind. The whole scene is quiet, cold, and peaceful.

This etching was made for Bracquemond’s collection titled Eaux-fortes modernes or Modern Etchings. This art series was printed on demand for both individual sales and for those subscribing to the entirety of the series. Art series became an increasingly popular way that artists were able to distribute their work and make them more accessible to the public.

Winter (The Wolf in the Snow)” is currently in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in the United States.

For more on Félix Bracquemond, please visit his short biography here.

Félix Bracquemond

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